That’s What Friends Are For
When I was sad and angry..
You said “Don’t be emotional.. so you can think clearly and wisely”
When I felt so down and depressed.. I said “How poor I am..”
You said “Don’t even think and say like that.. because words have a powerful effect to our life..
Just think and say the positive one.. ‘How lucky I am’..
And luck will follow you”
When I needed someone to talk to.. but I could trust nobody..
You said “Just share it to me.. at least you can release the burden”
When I told you my secret.. I said “I wonder why I can tell you about this”
You said “That’s what friends are for..”
Thank you for being my friend
You said “Don’t be emotional.. so you can think clearly and wisely”
When I felt so down and depressed.. I said “How poor I am..”
You said “Don’t even think and say like that.. because words have a powerful effect to our life..
Just think and say the positive one.. ‘How lucky I am’..
And luck will follow you”
When I needed someone to talk to.. but I could trust nobody..
You said “Just share it to me.. at least you can release the burden”
When I told you my secret.. I said “I wonder why I can tell you about this”
You said “That’s what friends are for..”
Thank you for being my friend
asiknya liat foto kamu dipesisir pantai,kapan ya bisa menikmati semua itu lepas dari semua kepenatan dari semua aktivitas,ngarep
ReplyDelete@Andy: iya.. jd kangen pengen ke sana lagi.. liat pemandangan indah.. udara segar.. sgala penat jd hilang.. hihi..
ReplyDeletememang menyenangkan memiliki teman. hidup berasa indah, gak sepi. mau gak jadi temen saya?
ReplyDelete@rusydi: mau.. mau.. senangnya dpt teman baru.. hehe.. ^_^
ReplyDeleteeh btw ini pak guru rusydi kan? ternyata blognya lbh dr 1.. keren deh.. boleh dong follow2an :D
Just wanna say "Friend is next the Best after My Mam and My Dad.. Friend... Oh, Sahabat.
sahabat adalah orang yang sering ngatain kita tapi ga bikin sakit hari,.... :))
If you need talk to somebody, you can trus me :D. BTW pemandangan nya indah tapi lebih indah gambar yang diatas label hehe
ReplyDelete@Tatang: i agree with u.. sahabat, org yg tak punya hubungan darah dgn kita, tp sangat mengerti kita luar dlm.. mengagumkan yah.. :)
ReplyDelete@juorney to cacth my dream: betul.. betul.. sahabat adalah orang yg bisa kita kata2in jg.. hihihi..
ReplyDelete@Deganshah Putra: of course I can trust u.. thank u.. :D
ReplyDeletebtw gambar yg mn ya? *pura2 ga tau*.. ah bikin ge er aja nih.. hihihi..
ehem... :)
ReplyDelete@Mas Andhie: uhuk... :)
ReplyDeletehehe bisa aja, siiip deh mba :)
ReplyDeletekangen pantai jadinyaaaa...
ReplyDeletesahabat yang bakalan ngasih bahunya ya mba ketika kita butuhin tanpa kita meminta hehehhee
Teman selalu membuat kita tersenyum, kapan dan dimanapun..
ReplyDelete@Shally: betul.. setujuh.. bs jd tempat bersandar di saat kita lelah menghadapi dunia.. *jiiaah.. bahasanya mulai lebay.. hihihi..
ReplyDeleteaku jg kangen pantaaaaiii...
@choirunnangim: iya.. walopun lg sedih ttp bisa tersenyum kalo ada teman.. :)